Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Life as it is several years after my first blog

It's been five years since my first and last post! I totally forgot about my first post and this blog. But I think I am back! Life have happened. I graduated from college, got married, and have my first kid. So yes, life really isn't like it was five years ago. Anyways so I realized I never followed up on my first post on "A Walk to Stop Binge Eating," and I really cannot say that I stopped. However, the good news is that currently, I am very healthy and feel great. I actually gained weight with my pregnancy, 65 lbs to be exact, and with fitness, healthy eating, and a lot of self-motivation, I lost it all and some more. I am on 7 day of my 14 days challenge 4 miles/day and clean eating. I have lost a total of 2 lbs and I look forward to completing the next 7 days.
I will definitely not stop after this 14 day challenge, so I look forward to what this fitness journey brings!