Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Life as it is several years after my first blog

It's been five years since my first and last post! I totally forgot about my first post and this blog. But I think I am back! Life have happened. I graduated from college, got married, and have my first kid. So yes, life really isn't like it was five years ago. Anyways so I realized I never followed up on my first post on "A Walk to Stop Binge Eating," and I really cannot say that I stopped. However, the good news is that currently, I am very healthy and feel great. I actually gained weight with my pregnancy, 65 lbs to be exact, and with fitness, healthy eating, and a lot of self-motivation, I lost it all and some more. I am on 7 day of my 14 days challenge 4 miles/day and clean eating. I have lost a total of 2 lbs and I look forward to completing the next 7 days.
I will definitely not stop after this 14 day challenge, so I look forward to what this fitness journey brings!

Friday, March 4, 2011

A walk to stop binge eating- Day 1

Since I didn't think of starting a blog today, I have had to so much to eat today. I woke up at 0525 and decided to go to the gym. The first thing i normally do before leaving my room is eat some fruits like apple or banana, but today after eating a banana, i decided to eat another snack with it. I stepped outside my room and headed to the first floor- I live on the sixth floor. On getting to the corner of the building, I saw a oreo cookie packet on a desk and decided to picked it up since it was meant to be thrown away in the first place. I began doubting if I want to go to the gym this morning, and by the time I got to the first floor, i had already finished the oreo cookie that was in my hand. On getting outside, I decided that my sleep is more important than a morning workout. I convinced myself to go to the gym later in the day. when i got back to my room, I went straight to my snack box and finished the left behind snack I had eaten earlier. And went back to bed for another two hour. I woke up in time to get ready for school, but that didn't start until I made sure that I finished another packet of oreo cookie, a box of soymilk and some other snacks. I told myself I wan't going to eat anything for lunch. I got really hungry right before lunch and over ate on junk food when I got to dining hall. I eat at the vegetarian table due to stomach issues, so that doesn't give me much options on food, but I overate chips. I got back to my room and sat down to enjoy another set of snacks which would probably add up to 1000calories. And that's when it down on me that starting a blog about how I eat might help me control what I eat. Maybe by doing so, I will be able to take my mind off eating during the day, and I might be encouraged by the people that read my blog.